Monday, March 14, 2011

The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog

The Rock in the movie, Faster.
I recently saw the movie Faster.  It was The Rock (sorry, he'll always be The Rock to me and not Dewayne Johnson) finally starring in the action movie he deserves to be headlining.  It caught my attention because I am a Christian and most of the trailer had a tent-revival style preacher preaching about God and the errors in seeking revenge.  The Rock of course says, "Sermon's over!"  I really wanted to see what role Christianity and the preacher played in the movie, and I was very pleasantly surprised.  The preacher scene made the movie for me.  It redeemed the movie from being a straight-senseless violence movie.  It showed the power of sincere apology, confidence in God, repentance, and forgiveness.  It showed that love conquers evil, and even if it didn't play out the way it did in the movie, the preacher still would have come out on top.

So why am I writing about Faster on this blog about rock?

Iggy on-stage!
The movie featured a song I heard in a Guy Ritchie movie (I believe it was Lock Stock).  When I heard it in the Guy Ritchie movie it perfectly fit the tone of the movie and what was going on and the tune stuck out enough to me that I really wanted to know who it was, but I never found out.  So when the song kicked-in in Faster I knew I had to find out this time from the credits who it was.  Low and behold, it was the Stooges, the band which Iggy Pop fronted.

One of my first posts was on Iggy Pop.  I heard of Iggy Pop for quite sometime, but I had no need to listen to him until finding out that Henry Rollins is a huge Iggy fan.

So here is the song from Faster and the Guy Ritchie flick (whichever one it was):

Initially, upon hearing this song, I thought the band was some underground band from the 90's. Wow! The song is 40 stinking years old! It was released on The Stooges first album in August, 1969. Knowing this release date, I can picture that era more, and I can even picture Mick Jagger a little as Iggy sings. But this song sounds way before its time in my opinion.

The Stooges
Click her to buy this album!

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